I really don't understand people sometimes! Would it really hurt you to have some class once in a while? I'm going off again on a rant about some A-Hole that was either born Feet First in the Back Alley of a pool hall, or just refused to accept that he needs to Co-Exist with other human beings in a civilized manner. As a DJ you deal with many factors that either hinder or nurture your successful night. This particular night I was beyond offended by This overgrown Oaf that will probably end up reading this, and try to fight me. This blog post is bashing ignorance and it probably contradicts my earlier post that finds humor in stupidity. The fact is, this event happened a couple of years ago when i was Fuming like a cartoon Tea Kettle. Now, I've given up on having any hope for the Streets. I'm just trying to laugh about it these days.
Let me start by saying that I was raised in the hood, 98th ave and D st in Deep East Oakland. I went to a 65% Black 30% Latin and 5% other, type of High School (Castlemont). I was the Other percent, so I'm no stranger to Harassment. Hell, if you google the school, I'm sure one of the top listings will be a news report. With this being said, I grew up listening to Rap. It was all that surrounded me, it was what I loved and spent most of my time associating my life with. I wrote lyrics, made mix tapes and really thought Id be a rapper someday because Hip hop Ruled My World. But being the all around music junkie that I am, I graduated into a much wider appreciation for music and started DJing. This eclectic taste was beneficial to this one gig I had in Oakland, where the owner forbids any form of Hip Hop. So I was playing some Trip Hop and Electro Jazz, maybe a little Rare Funk. Keeping it pretty mellow cause it was a slower night.
Needless to say, some cats are quick to judge me, or try to punk me cause I Look White...
At Some point in the night, This monster walks up to the DJ booth. I expected a request, which is usual in this venue, but I did not expect him to make me wanna Bruce Leroy his ass. It was so long ago that I can't remember most of his exact words, so these aren't quotes, but a general Idea. "Aye Yo! Play Some Slapps! What the Fuck Is This Shit" "Play some Fuckin Rap". Yelling this at me, in my face and across the bar where everyone could hear his banter. So i tell him the usual line, "This is what the owner wants me to play". Besides, the place is a lounge. No woman wants to go into a classy lounge where the drinks are pricey, and have some sweaty thugg, grabbin all on them to Keak Da Sneak. No beef with Keak, but his place is in the clubs, not here. Little does he know, I fuckin grew up listening to hip hop, but this judgemental bastard is on some sort of Hate mission for God knows what reason. He starts Booing me at the top of his lungs, in My face, in My sensitive Right Ear. I think he even touched my right turntable trying to stop the music, but the left side was playing so It made no difference.
Now, the thing he said that I do remember word for word, and to this day it haunts me like a mentally challenged Zombie that just won't die... He said (verbatim), "Yo Shit Aint Even Got No Words". WOW! ARE YOU KIDDING ME! I don't know whether I was more pissed that he was disrespecting me, disrespecting all the artists that create music with no vocals or whether i was just pissed that someone that stupid existed in the same world that I live in. I thought that Miles Davis was Gonna come out of his grave to impale this guy with his trumpet, while John Coltrane and Thelonious Monk waited for their turn. This place was a social lounge where the music is more of a background, so people can converse and mellow out. There isn't even a dance floor, so what difference does it make if my shit Aint even got no words? No one would even pay attention to the vocals. This guy just disrespected Jazz, Funk, Classical Music and most Electronic. I will never forget those words until the day I'm pushing up daisies in the cold ground. Yo Shit Aint Even Got No Words, was gonna be the title for my next mix, but I wanted to try and forget the ignorance and block it outta my mind.
He continues to scream all kinds of childish phrases Like "Fuck this DJ", "This DJ Is weak", "Everyone Boo this Foo", "BOOOOOOOOOO, This Music Sucks!" (etc). He walks from the end of the lounge to the front, screaming this to all the guests. I think he even threatened to fight me, which is usually the case when ignorance is involved. Especially cause this is a Big ass Caveman Mofo, he probably tries to get his way by inducing fear upon smaller cats. I'm 6'2", so you know this was a large dude. The icing on the cake was when he started screaming BOOOOOO at the top of his lungs, like he was praising the Lord in Church, as he combed his way through the crowd. All because I wasn't playing Soulja Boy, or something equally awful.
I was so Damn mad! If you don't like the music in one place, you don't go up to the DJ acting an Ass. You go to another spot that fits your music needs. What If I had just learned to spin and was still learning, or nervous or something. This was not the case, but out of respect, even if a DJ is Trainwrecking, you should cut them some slack, cause they could be Rookies. Especially since there was no cover charge at the door, and it was a very small place. Why the fuck do you care what I'm spinning, you should be talking to some girls like everyone else. I found out at the end of the night that this guy was in his 30's and was the homie of the bartender. Why would you blow up your friend's job like that, especially when you are a grown ass man? He got 86'ed, and he at least has had the respect to not return, at least not when I'm spinning. So that shows he may have some remorse, or respect. I've seen the cat at a few of the functions that the bartender has thrown, but I've ignored him. Until last time, when he accidentally introduced himself to me, forgetting who I was, I Suppose. I never gave him my name I just said "Yeah You're the guy who Booed Me". His response was "Yeah we were drunk that night". I was Thinking "No Shit!" Maybe it was his way of apologizing, or maybe it was his way of saying "Fuck You, I Know I Booed You". Either way, he never officially apologized, so its up for interpretation. The bartender is a cool cat, so I can't picture him being friends with a Punk, so maybe its all good. But in any case, if you think a DJ is Wack, either prove you can do better, find another spot, or just let it be. There is no logic to ruining everyone's time.
If my next blog is about how I got my ass kicked, it will probably just be a continuation on this story. Haha, Peace.
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